Monday, 3 January 2011

Blawg Review - a Magnum Opus by CharonQC and a few other offerings

The CharonQC blog has published an excellent "tour de force" review of a considerable (nay, vast) number of Law Blogs (Blawgs) covering numerous subjects.  Described by UK Human Rights blog as a Magnum Opus and by Family Lore as an epic it is well worth reading so pour yourself a glass and begin -  Blawg Review #292 by CharonQC.

The Magistrates' Blog has been looking at the trouble at HMP Ford and also at some of the highly unsatisfactory media reporting relating to the man held by the Police for questioning over the Joanna Yeates murder.  The man has been released on bail. 

It is good to see that the team responsible for UK Human Rights blog are now back in chambers (or, at least, at their keyboards) and one looks forward to their splendid posts continuing in 2011.   "Human rights" is under attack from certain quarters.  Perhaps the attackers might like to tell us, as suggested
by the late Lord Bingham, just which human rights they think we should give up.  The European Convention on Human Rights was brought into the mainstream of English law by the Human Rights Act 1998.  The Convention and the Act offer us enforceable rights and, in the face of the awesome Supremacy of Parliament, would be abandoned at our peril.  The ECHR Blog watches the action in Strasbourg and is excellent reading.

Finally, for now, the Marilyn Stowe blog looks at the Imerman v Tchenguiz case which has been described by some as a "cheat's charter."   A reading of the full case is far from easy going but here is a link if you cannot sleep.  "Nicking" information from a computer in order to find out the property affairs of a husband is at the heart of the case.   The information might reveal that there are hidden financial / property assets.  In ancillary relief proceedings, while the court can admit such evidence, it has power to exclude it if unlawfully obtained, including power to exclude documents whose existence has only been established by unlawful means.


  1. Happy New Year and thanks for the comment and link to BR 292.....delighted to see that you have a drinking and blogging award!


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