Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Climate Change Protests - No.4 - Role of ACPO to be changed

It is reported that the Home Office Minister of State - Mr Nick Herbert MP has informed the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee that the role of the Association  of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in relation to control of any operational police units is to be brought to an end.  This follows (a) concern about the role of ACPO in the control of certain unit set up to combat "extremism" - see Climate Change Protest No. 3 and also, to be fair, (b) some concern within ACPO itself about the accountability of the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU).   Mr Herbert has particular responsibility within the Home Office for Policing and Criminal Justice.   This indication of a move to ensure that there is political and legal accountability for these activities is to be welcomed.  It appears that changes will be made to ensure that either a "lead Police Force" or the yet-to-be-created National Crime Agency will assume responsibility for these activities.  (See also Policing in the 21st Century).

It also appears that the Association of Police Authorities (APA) has decided that it no longer has the funds to provide money to ACPO - see The Guardian 18th January 2011.  The Home Secretary has written to them to request a reconsideration of this decision but, of course, you either have the cash or you don't !!  The government has proposed the abolition of the Police Authorities and intends to have elected Police Commissioners instead - see Police and Social Responsibility Bill.  The APA opposes those proposals and refers to the Police Commissioners as "US-style solo sheriffs" - see their Press release.


  1. Whether this will make a real difference, only time will tell. Unfortunately the major issue brought out by this case, lack of police disclosure, will continue unabated.

  2. Law think - I agree - the disclosure regime is unsatisfactory and ought to be re-examined. (Of course, the CJA 2003 brought in a revised scheme and replaced the original scheme in CPIA 1996).

  3. I have written to Nick Herbert this day to ask him to instigate a public inquiry into the actions funding and manifestation of the ACPO, they are indeed a force for evil in this country.
    I see they also recommend cutting police pay, but not there own, and conditions and replacing police with public volunteers, is it normal for a ltd co, to try and circumnavigate the police pay review body, I think not.


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