This post is a continuation of the Coronavirus Log. See
Coronavirus Log Part 1 - (December 2019 to 28 April 2020) -
Part 2 (29 April 2020 to 24 May 2020) -
Part 3 (25 May to 21 June 2020) -
Part 4 (22 June to 26 July 2020) -
Part 5 (27 July to 1 November -
Part 6 (2 November 2020 to 13 February 2021) -
Part 7 (13 February 2021 to 11 April 2021). -
Part 8 (12 April 2021 to 16 May 2021) -
Part 9 (17 May 2021 to 20 June 2021) -
Part 10 (21 June 2021 to 18 July 2021)
International comparisons may be seen via the
website of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Monday) 19 July 2021 -
it seemed appropriate to change the image at the top of this log from Lockdown to Danger Ahead.
Many of the legal restrictions were removed from 11.55 pm on 18 July even though infections with the Delta variant were rising together with increasing hospitalisations and deaths. 68.3% of the UK's adult population had received two doses of vaccine. Under 18s have not been offered any form of vaccination. It was reported that the
vaccination rate had fallen - a fact that was clear from the available government data.
Monday) 19 July -
Government data reported that up to 18 July there had been
128,708 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 48,161 new positive tests reported on 18 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,295,853 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 35,970,849 a second dose) up to and including 17 July 2021.
That amounted to 68.3% of the adult population with 2 doses of vaccine.
20 July -
Government data reported that up to 19 July there had been
128,727 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 39,950 new positive tests reported on 19 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,314,039 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 36,099,727 a second dose) up to and including 18 July 2021.
21 July -
Government data reported that up to 20 July there had been
128,823 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 46,558 new positive tests reported on 20 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,349,709 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 36,243,287 a second dose) up to and including 19 July 2021.
22 July -
Government data reported that up to 21 July there had been
128,896 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 44,104 new positive tests reported on 21 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,388,744 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 36,404,566 a second dose) up to and including 20 July 2021.
23 July -
Government data reported that up to 22 July there had been
128,980 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 39,906 new positive tests reported on 22 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,433,845 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 36,587,904 a second dose) up to and including 21 July 2021.
24 July -
Government data reported that up to 23 July there had been
129,044 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 36,389 new positive tests reported on 23 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,476,845 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 36,762,646 a second dose) up to and including 22 July 2021.
25 July -
Government data reported that up to 24 July there had been
129,130 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 31,795 new positive tests reported on 24 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,519.998 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 36,953,691 a second dose) up to and including 23 July 2021.
Monday) 26 July -
Government data reported that up to 25 July there had been
129,158 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 29,173 new positive tests reported on 25 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,563,452 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 37,160,659 a second dose) up to and including 24 July 2021.
27 July -
Government data reported that up to 26 July there had been
129,172 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 24,950 new positive tests reported on 26 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,589,211 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 37,287,384 a second dose) up to and including 25 July 2021.
28 July -
Government data reported that up to 27 July there had been
129,303 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 23,511 new positive tests reported on 27 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,653,796 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 37,459,060 a second dose) up to and including 26 July 2021.
29 July -
Government data reported that up to 28 July there had been
129,430 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 27,734 new positive tests reported on 28 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,689,242 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 37,610,911 a second dose) up to and including 27 July 2021.
30 July -
Government data reported that up to 29 July there had been
129,515 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 31,117 new positive tests reported on 29 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,733,115 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 37,782,252 a second dose) up to and including 28 July 2021.
31 July -
Government data reported that up to 30 July there had been
129,583 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 29,622 new positive tests reported on 30 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,775,525 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 37,962,407 a second dose) up to and including 29 July 2021.
1 August -
Government data reported that up to 31 July there had been
129,654 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 26,144 new positive tests reported on 31 July. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,811,298 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 38,126,702 a second dose) up to and including 30 July 2021.
488 deaths were reported in the 7 days to 31 July. 6341 admissions to hospital in the 7 days to 26 July.
Monday) 2 August -
Government data reported that up to 1 August there had been
129,719 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 24,470 new positive tests reported on 1 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,851,145 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 38,345,841 a second dose) up to and including 31 July 2021.
3 August -
Government data reported that up to 2 August there had been
129,743 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 21,952 new positive tests reported on 2 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,872,411 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 38,464,025 a second dose) up to and including 1 August 2021.
4 August -
Government data reported that up to 3 August there had been
129,881 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 21,691 new positive tests reported on 3 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,898,525 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 38,590,332 a second dose) up to and including 2 August 2021.
5 August -
Government data reported that up to 4 August there had been
130,000 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 29,312 new positive tests reported on 4 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,928,033 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 38,733,334 a second dose) up to and including 3 August 2021.
6 August -
Government data reported that up to 5 August there had been
130,086 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 30,125 new positive tests reported on 5 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,926,330 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 38,874,837 a second dose) up to and including 4 August 2021.
Care homes - The government has passed legislation compelling care homes to ensure almost all workers are vaccinated against Covid-19. It comes into force on 11 November 2021, and applies to England only.
The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 state that a care home provider must ensure that nobody enters care homes unless they fall into one of the identified exceptions.The main ones are:-care home residents, friends and relatives of care home residents, emergency help providers (eg ambulance, emergency plumber) and children under 18.
7 August -
Government data reported that up to 6 August there had been
130,178 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 31,808 new positive tests reported on 6 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,961,830 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 39,047,529 a second dose) up to and including 5 August 2021.
8 August -
Government data reported that up to 7 August there had been
130,281 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 28,612 new positive tests reported on 7 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 46,997,495 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 39,210,356 a second dose) up to and including 6 August 2021.
Monday) 9 August -
Government data reported that up to 8 August there had been
130,320 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 27,429 new positive tests reported on 8 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47, 036,796 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 39,429,468 a second dose) up to and including 7 August 2021.
10 August -
Government data reported that up to 9 August there had been
130,357 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 25,161 new positive tests reported on 9 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47, 059,639 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 39,551,538 a second dose) up to and including 8 August 2021.
11 August -
Government data reported that up to 10 August there had been
130,503,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 23,510 new positive tests reported on 10 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,091,889 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 39,688,566 a second dose) up to and including 9 August 2021.
12 August -
Government data reported that up to 11 August there had been
130,607,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 29,612 new positive tests reported on 11 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,129,400 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 39,839,709 a second dose) up to and including 10 August 2021.
13 August -
Government data reported that up to 12 August there had been
130,701,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 33,074 new positive tests reported on 12 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,170,968 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 40,013,470 a second dose) up to and including 11 August 2021.
14 August -
Government data reported that up to 13 August there had been
130,801,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 32,700 new positive tests reported on 13 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,215,352 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 40,206,029 a second dose) up to and including 12 August 2021.
15 August -
Government data reported that up to 14 August there had been
130,894,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 29,520 new positive tests reported on 14 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,254,399 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 40,372,981 a second dose) up to and including 13 August 2021.
- SAGE suggests that the arrival of a variant that evades vaccines is a "realistic possibility" and calls for continued work on new vaccines, the creation of more vaccine-production facilities in the UK and lab-based studies to predict evolution of variants.
Monday) 16 August -
Government data reported that up to 15 August there had been
130,953,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 26,750 new positive tests reported on 15 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,302,445 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 40,577,198 a second dose) up to and including 14 August 2021.
17 August -
Government data reported that up to 16 August there had been
130,979,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 28,438 new positive tests reported on 16 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,333,702 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 40,703,581 a second dose) up to and including 15 August 2021.
18 August -
Government data reported that up to 17 August there had been
131,149,deaths (within 28 days of first positive test) due to Covid-19. There were 26,852 new positive tests reported on 17 August. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that 47,369,418 people had received a first dose of vaccine (and 40,841,971 a second dose) up to and including 16 August 2021.
Daily updates discontinued but key points will be added below ....
31 August - New infections appear to be rising (37314 on 30 August) and the death rate remains high (typically >100 per day). The pandemic is far from over and by the end of August 2021 the death count stood at 132,535 with new infections at 32,181 on 31 August. The return to school and University is likely to result in greater numbers of new infections. The vaccination rate was 78.7% on 31 August (i.e. two doses received) but questions have arisen as to the longer term effectiveness of the vaccines and also about their ability to combat any new variants of the virus.
16 October - the rate of new infections remains stubbornly high. 44932 new infections on 15 October. 78.8% of the population aged 12 or over have received 2 doses of vaccine. Covid deaths within 28 days of a positive test = 138,379.
19 November - UK Health Security Agency -
19 November - UK Government -
19 November - National Audit Office -
By the end of July 2021, the estimated lifetime cost of measures announced as part of the government’s response was £370 billion. Like many other governments across the world, the UK government was underprepared for a pandemic like COVID-19. It will need to learn lessons from its preparations for and handling of whole-system risks, which will include making judgements on what level of preparations is appropriate.
26 November - changes to travel rules - concern over new variant
8 December 2021 - Government announced that, due to rising Omicron infections (said to be doubling every 2 to 3 days), it was necessary to move to Plan B in England. This to entail greater working from home where possible, more extensive requirements for face-coverings to be worn, mandatory "Covid Passes" required for certain venues.
This announcement came at a time of political furore over a party alleged to have been held in No 10 Downing Street on Friday 18 December 2020.
Did the Regulations apply to Downing Street?
If there was such a "gathering" then it may - emphasis MAY - have been in contravention of Coronavirus legislation in force at the time which placed different parts of the country into "Tiers" with the degree of restriction varying according to tier.
At the time of writing the government does NOT appear to have made any statement regarding the legal position of Downing Street premises but a legal question is whether the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 applied to those premises.
Acts of Parliament do not bind the Crown but there are some exceptions - see the detailed discussion at
Section 73 of the 1984 Act provides that where property belongs to a government department then the department may agree with the local authority for any relevant provision of the Act to apply to the property.
The Police stated -
“The Metropolitan Police Service has received a significant amount of correspondence relating to allegations reported in the media that the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations were breached at gatherings at No 10 Downing Street in November and December 2020.
All this correspondence has been considered by detectives in detail, as well as footage published by ITV News.
The correspondence and footage does not provide evidence of a breach of the Health Protection Regulations, but restates allegations made in the media. Based on the absence of evidence and in line with our policy not to investigate retrospective breaches of such regulations, the Met will not commence an investigation at this time.”
The Police statement is less than convincing since Police Officers investigate numerous reports of offending on a daily basis.
Cabinet Secretary:
The Prime Minister announced that the Cabinet Secretary has been asked to conduct an investigation. Further details awaited.
On 9 December, an Urgent Question was tabled by Fleur Anderson MP to seek details of the investigation into Downing Street Christmas parties.
Any "damage" to the government is more likely to be political than legal but it seems fair to comment that the moral authority of the government is placed in question when the government is thought to have disregarded the relevant law / guidance. Government Ministers met the allegations with statements such as there was no party but all guidance was followed. To say the least this was unconvincing.
25 December - although it was widely expected, the government did not introduce additional restrictive measures ahead of Christmas. Ministers claimed that they needed more data about Omicron and that they were keeping matters under review.
30 December - -
Covid: Nightingale surge hubs to be set up in eight hospitals, NHS England says. [Hospital admissions (almost entirely due to Omicron - rising but additional restrictions were not imposed in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland introduced additional restrictions].
*** 2022 ***
Monday) 17 January 2022 -
Government data reported that up to 16 January there had been
151,987 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test). There were 70,924 new positive tests reported on 16 January. See also
Worldometers - Coronavirus - UK . The data also reported that up to 16 January, 52,097,840 people (90.6% of UK population aged 12+) had received a first dose of vaccine, 47,905.885 (83.3%) a second dose, and 36,388,391 (63,3%) a third (booster) dose.
(Monday) 24 January -
Government data reported that up to 23 January there had been 153,862 deaths (within 28 days of first positive test). There were 74,799 new positive tests reported on 23 January.
The following Regulations were revoked—
10 March 2022
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