Sunday, 5 May 2019

Updates ~ Sunday 5 May

In February, the Home Secretary deprived Shamima Begum of British Citizenship.  That decision was considered in this post of 23 February 2019 and it is understood that she is appealing the decision.  It is now reported that the Bangladeshi Foreign Minister has said that she would "face the death penalty" for terrorism if she came to Bangladesh - BBC News 3 May 2019.

Extradition proceedings have commenced against Julian Assange - The Guardian 2 May 2019.  The WikiLeaks publisher was jailed for 50 weeks on Wednesday for breaking bail conditions imposed seven years earlier by seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.   The UN working group on arbitrary detention (WGAD) said it was deeply concerned by the “disproportionate sentence” imposed on Assange for violating the terms of his bail, which it described as a “minor violation” - The Guardian 3 May 2019.   Previous posts 15 April 2019 - Assange - Arrest and Possible Extradition to USA , and 5 February 2016, Julian Assange - Arbitrary Detention - the UN Working Group Decision.

Read the Sentencing Remarks of HHJ Deborah Taylor at the Crown Court, Southwark.  The judge said - "It is difficult to envisage a more serious example of this offence. The maximum sentence for this offence is 12 months.   You do not have the benefit of a plea of guilty. You have made a written apology today, the first recognition that you regret you actions.   In my judgment, the seriousness of your offence, having taken into account the mitigation merits a sentence near the maximum. 
The sentence is imprisonment for 50 weeks.  Any time spent on remand in respect of this offence from the time of your arrest on 11 April 2019 will count against your sentence.   In respect of this offence you would fall to be released after serving half of the sentence, subject to being returned to custody if you commit any further offences during the remainder of your licence period. That of course is subject to the conditions and outcome of any other proceedings against you." 


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