Sunday, 2 June 2013

Legal Aid ~ consultation closes 4th June

Under government proposals, criminal legal aid will be severely curtailed - Money, money, money ... just where is Justice heading?. and 'The real 'scumbag criminal' is still free ~ A matter at democracy's heart'.   The government's consultation ends on 4th June - see the consultation  here.

Recently, Gabriela Knaul (United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers) has urged world governments to develop and sustain effective legal aid systems as an essential component of a fair and efficient justice system founded on the rule of law - see Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

" Legal aid, a right in itself" - UN Special Rapporteur

GENEVA (30 May 2013) – “Legal aid is both a right in itself and an essential precondition for the exercise and enjoyment of a number of human rights, including the rights to a fair trial and to an effective remedy,” said Ms. Knaul, presenting her latest report to the UN Human Rights Council. “It represents an important safeguard that contributes to ensuring the fairness and public trust in the administration of justice.”

“Legal aid should be as broad as possible,” she said, stressing that its aim “is to contribute to the elimination of obstacles and barriers that impair or restrict access to justice by providing assistance to people otherwise unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system.”

The human rights expert underlined that legal aid should not only include the right to free legal assistance in criminal proceedings, but also the provision of effective legal assistance in any judicial or extrajudicial procedure aimed at determining rights and obligations.

“States bear the primary responsibility to adopt all appropriate measures to fully realize the right to legal aid for any individual within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction,” the Special Rapporteur said. “Beneficiaries of legal aid should include any person who comes into contact with the law and does not have the means to pay for counsel.”

“The right to legal aid must be legally guaranteed in national legal systems at the highest possible level, possibly in the Constitution,” Ms. Knaul highlighted among the specific recommendations provided in her new report.

The independent expert also observed that it is up to the individual State to identify the model that can maximize access to free legal aid for all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction.

“Regardless of the structure of the legal aid programme or its formal status, it is of paramount importance that legal aid schemes be autonomous, independent, effective, sustainable and easily available in order to ensure that they serve the interests of those who need financial support to have access to justice on an equal basis with others,” she concluded.


For more information, please look at the following links.  Please consider signing the petition - Save UK Justice.  These changes are so crucial that they should not be allowed to be implemented by stroke of the Ministerial pen without Parliamentary debate.

Garden Court North Chambers - Save UK Justice and here is a response to the consultation from Pete Weatherby QC of Garden Court North.

Law Society - Criminal legal aid

Bar Council - Legal profession joins forces to oppose unreasonable legal aid proposals

Law Society - Leading academics warn that legal aid cuts could have devastating effects

British Institute of Human Rights - Proposed changes to legal aid: why this matters to us all

The Independent - Legal aid cuts put a generation of children in danger

Airlawdotme 15th April 2013 - Legal aid reform - the justification - looks at some international comparisons

Lawyer Watch 3rd June 2013 - Response to legal aid consultation

The government is also bearing down on access to judicial review - a process by which Ministers and public bodies can be made accountable to the rule of law.  Please read the letter to The Telegraph by 90 Queen's Counsel.  Also, Short Cuts by Francis Fitzgibbon QC

1 comment:

  1. The independent expert also observed that it is up to the individual State to identify the model that can maximize access to free legal aid for all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction.


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