Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Parliamentary expenses and privilege: Supreme Court hearing expected

An appeal by the three former MPs charged with offences relating to parliamentary expenses is likely to be heard by the Supreme Court.  It appears that the point of law to be determined is - "Does the crown court have the jurisdiction to try an MP in relation to allegations of dishonest claims for parliamentary expenses or allowances, or is the court deprived of jurisdiction by article nine of the bill of rights 1688 or the exclusive jurisdiction of parliament?"  Law and Lawyers previously reported on this case here, here, here and here.  See The Guardian 14th September 2010.

Addendum 15th September: - CharonQC takes a brief look at "what if" the Supreme Court rules in favour of the MPs.

Addendum 16th September: - "MPs' expenses case hinges on limits of parliamentary privilege" - Joshua Rozenberg - The Guardian 16th September.  A nine judge court is to sit.

Addendum 20th September: - "Secret Deals still being offered to MPs" - Rosa Prince in The Telegraph 20th September.

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