Tuesday 17 September 2024

Inquiries - House of Lords committee calls for reform

The House of Lords Statutory Inquiries Committee has published a report urging a major overhaul of the way public inquiries are set up and conducted. The report calls for significant improvements to the inquiry system, to make them more efficient and effective and to avoid the costly and wasteful process of inquiries “reinventing the wheel”.

The 63 page report is HERE (pdf) and see Lords committee calls for major overhaul of public inquiries - UK Parliament

Among the main recommendations of the House of Lords Statutory Inquiries Committee are:

  • A timescale for inquiries, to avoid unnecessary and excessive costs
  • A newly-created Parliamentary Public Inquiries Committee to monitor and report on the steps being taken to implement inquiry recommendations
  • A publicly-accessible online tracker showing how, and when, inquiry recommendations have been put in place
  • More inquiries could be led by an expert, or panel of experts, rather than reliance on a judge – and more consideration be given to making some of them non-statutory

Lords committee calls for major overhaul of public inquiries - UK Parliament

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