Saturday 25 May 2024

Parliament Prorogued to 31 May.

On 22 May 2024, the Prime Minister stood in Downing Street and announced that he had requested HM The King to dissolve Parliament so that a general election could be held on 4 July 2024 - Election 2024: Drenched Rishi Sunak calls for vote in July - YouTube

On 23 May 2024, the Privy Council met at Buckingham Palace and ordered a Prorogation of Parliament - see the order at List of Business - 23rd May 2024 ( Prorogation differs from Dissolution in that the prorogation is to last from 24 May to Friday 31 May and will "be then holden for the despatch of divers urgent and important affairs."

In the House of Lords Chamber on 24 May a Commission for Royal Assent and Prorogation was

read - see Hansard House of Lords.

It was then announced that 11 Bills had been given Royal Assent - Royal Assent - Hansard - UK Parliament. Included were the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act, Victims and Prisoners Act, Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act.

Finally, a Prorogation Speech (technically from HM The King but prepared by the government) was read - Prorogation: His Majesty’s Speech - Hansard - UK Parliament. The speech essentially set out what the government sees as its achievements. Whether being able to set out its record in this way gives the government an advantage is debatable. After all, one could "unpick it" line by line. I have no intentions to do that.

Provided Parliament is dissolved on 31 May, the general election can then be held 25 days later. The counting of 25 days excludes Saturdays and Sundays. The election can then be held on 4 July.

The election will be held under the first past the post system to elect one member per constituency. The boundaries of most constituencies differ from those applicable in 2019. Furthermore, over 2 million individuals who have been resident abroad for over 15 years have become eligible to vote.

Who can vote in UK elections? - House of Commons Library (

It is well-known that a considerable number of MPs have decided not to stand for election again. Some of them had the opportunity to make a final speech during a "Valedictory Debate" on 24 May - Valedictory Debate - Hansard - UK Parliament

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